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What is DARQ Bytes Intelligence Service?

     DARQ (Darkweb Acquired Resources & Query) Bytes Intelligence Service is Futures' proprietary technology that collects information from the Darkweb and makes it available through the DARQBytes website. DARQBytes collects information from over 450 Darkweb resources and makes them available for research to users of our service. The data collected ranges from data breaches, leaks, malware, etc. The purpose of DARQBytes is to make it easier for researchers to find information they are looking for from nefarious sources. This service is only available to a limited number of users and subscription is on a yearly basis.

When will DARQBytes accept customers??

      The service will go active before summer. Most likely in the May/June timeframe. We will only be accepting a limited number of customers in order not to dilute the capability we have created.

How much content does DARQBytes have available?

      DARQBytes has information from over 450 Darkweb sites and is constantly expanding the list. Currently, our collection systems have over 60 million files. We will continue to update this number as we get closer to the customer sign-on date.

What if I have questions about DARQBytes?

     Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about DARQBytes!

Availability:DARQBytes is not online, yet. Come back in April to see actual start date. Big things are coming.

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